While waiting for our boat ride to see Fungi the “Dingle Dolphin” we explored Dingle a bit. Such a cute little town!

I opted not to take my camera out on the boat because I wasn’t sure how wet we would get – especially if it was going to rain on us.
So these next few pictures are from Jessica’s trusty point and shoot!
Heading out to Dingle Bay.

Everyone was excited to spot Fungi! Every little splash made you think you saw him…

And then he appeared!! Fungi loves swimming along with the boats. How cute is that?!

We loved our boat trip. Jessica may have even cried a tear of happiness.

After Fungi did his thing, which ended up being a pretty good show, we were able to float out the edge of the harbor and just soak in the sights. It was slightly overcast but at times the sun shone through the clouds and it was magical.

Back on dry land we enjoyed some delicious Murphy’s ice cream. Wow that sounds so good right now. The flavors were very Irish – one scoop I had was brown bread flavored and the other scoop was Dingle sea salt! I believe Jessica had raspberry & Bailey’s!

Next up was the Slea Head Drive which is basically a circular loop that begins and ends in Dingle, with so many beautiful sights in between. The forecast showed rain (surprise surprise) so I was worried we wouldn’t have much visibility on the Slea Head Drive, but thankfully it cooperated for us! Just a few clouds. And because of the time of year, there really weren’t too many other cars out on the road. LOVED it.
And with views like this, do you blame me???

Self timer shot with the camera balancing on the roof of our car, haha.

This next one is probably one of my favorite photos from the entire trip! Mr. Ram you are my best friend.
(PS – does any one know what breed this is?? I can’t figure it out!)

The “Sleeping Giant”

We spent the evening back in Dingle. Had a relaxing dinner then arrived at O’Sullivan’s Courthouse Pub nice and early for the live music – which worked out well because that place was packed out!! Had a wonderful evening filled with amazing music, great conversation and lots of memories made!

That dolphin makes me so happy. & what weird ice cream flavored you chose! Brave haha
I miss Dingle so much! Hopped in that water with Dad on that beach with the cliffs.